
Autonomus Shuttles

Beamz Lidar-based software and sensor fusion solutions are enabling delivery applications revolutionizing urban transportation, making it more efficient, environmentally friendly, and affordable for everyone. Beamz's LiDAR perception solutions help delivery vehicles and autonomous shuttles, and safely navigate through neighborhoods, city streets, and freeway environments to deliver both goods and people.

Self Driving Platform and ADAS Solutions

Beamz's state-of-the-art algorithms could model different levels of driver cooperativeness—how likely a driver was to pull over to let the other driver pass—and used those models to train an algorithm that could assist an autonomous vehicle to safely and efficiently navigate this situation. Beamz's Advanced Driver Assistance systems make journeys safer by keeping drivers on track in all conditions and providing visibility of road curves, and lane lines by utilizing Beamz's perception software process.

Side Walk Delivery

Autonomous sidewalk robots, designed exclusively for carrying groceries and other essentials rather than human occupants, are providing last-mile and doorstep delivery services. Beamz's LiDAR perception software enables these robots to operate safely and for extended periods with minimal human intervention.

Autonomus Trucking

With the help of Beamz software solutions, autonomous and self-driving trucks will help make the roads safer. Beamz's technology framework maintains reducing costs, boosting fuel efficiency, increasing productivity allowing for fewer accidents, and revolutionizing the Autonomous Freight Industry.

Logistics Operations

Warehouses and storage and shipping centers can leverage perception technology to automate order fulfillment and logistics. Robots equipped with Beamz’s LiDAR perception technology are capable of transporting goods and handling materials at a site, navigating around obstacles, and operating seamlessly alongside human workers. Beamz’s LiDAR solution can be easily integrated with all possible automated guided vehicles (AGVs) operating at logistics sites - from small robots and forklifts to larger vehicles and heavy-duty trucks.

Airport Management Taxi Planning

Beamz's AI-based systems generate data-driven predictions and help you make better decisions, reduce accidents on the apron, improve sustainability and increase turnaround efficiency. Beamz's system uses Lidar-based Vision to generate insights from point cloud streams and leverages untapped operational data to optimize apron operations in real-time.

Traffic Flow Management

The major benefits of Beamz's speed control and enforcement systems are improved safety and better journey times. Smoother traffic flow yields a slight increase in capacity, and a reduction in the number of accidents, especially rear-end accidents. The major benefits relate to traffic smoothing, with improved throughput and a reduced rate of accidents. Beamz's technology enables guidance and control of both stationary and moving traffic, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and all types of vehicles. It aims to provide for the safe, orderly, and efficient movement of persons and goods, and to protect and, where possible, enhance the quality of the local environment on and adjacent to traffic facilities.

Lidar Mapping Solutions Platform

The ability of LIDAR mapping to capture high-resolution, high-accuracy, extremely dense point clouds of scanned areas and objects opens up a wealth of applications. Any business process or product that benefits from having an accurate 3D representation of a scene, object, or area can benefit greatly from LIDAR mapping technology. Beamz's technology provides detailed mapping infrastructure for autonomous vehicles, land surveying, urban transportation planning, asset inspection, monitoring archeological excavation, and more.

Traffic Intersection Monitoring

Intersections are a major cause of inner-city congestion leading to delays and citizen frustration and therefore a major concern of traffic management centers when it comes to safety. Beamz Lidar works diligently with traffic officials to ensure the needs of the city are met with a comprehensive traffic management solution that protects drivers and pedestrians. Beamz's technology provides enrich data analytics of an intersection by collecting traffic-related data and generates traffic insights.

  • Different behavior of traffic participants and outside traffic participants (pedestrians and cyclists)

  • Creation of trajectories and advanced data analytics

  • Detection and analysis of incidents